Friday, October 23, 2009

A little of this, a little of that

Hello All,
I have been feeling puny the past couple of days, so I've just been puttering around the house. Hence, a little of this, a little of that.
If you read my previous post, you know we went to the Autism Speaks Walk last weekend. It was an unusually cold and windy day for Nashville.
Especially walking the Speedway track. But we did it!
Here is a picture of TeamJacob....

Jacob is the one on his dad's shoulders.
Our team raised almost $2000...Jacob alone raised over $1000 under his name. He is so excited he is now a Grand Club Member and is invited to an awards ceremony in January.
This seems to be a busy time of the year, not a good time to be sick!
Fall Festival this Sunday afternoon...
This is also the 95th anniversary of our church. Big celebration dinner Saturday night, 175 rsvps.
Planned on heading downtown in the morning to attend the annual Making Strides for Breast Cancer 5 mile walk. I might just go to writer's class instead.
Well, this little bit has worn me out...back to laying down and reading for awhile.
Talk to you soon.
Grace and Peace,

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Wow.....I didn't realize so many days had gone by! So much for good intentions. Well, today is all about good intentions. Today is the much waited for, prepared for, and campaigned for....the TnWalks for Autism Day. If I haven't already told you, Jacob, grandson #2 has Asperger's Syndrome. The entire family and some great friends are walking 3 laps around the Nashville SuperSpeedway this morning. The boys are especially excited to walk on the track! We have raised almost $1500!!! I am looking forward to seeing the resource booths. Jacob has only been diagnosed a few months, so we are still in the newbie stage. Of course, it would be cold, drizzly and dreary this morning. We have our wagon and blankets ready for the younger two. Gotta run and get ready, not easy getting four boys and three adults up and ready and out the door by 7:30 am. I will get back with you on how things went.
See ya and have a blessed day.
Grace and Peace, Eva

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday morn.....

Hi All,
I am so excited...I have been wanting to start a blog for quite some time!
This morning I just decided today is the day.
Being new at this, I am sure I will be learning new things, so bear with me.
It is a beautiful fall day here in Nashville, TN.
The air is crisp, the sun shining, and the leaves turning to shades of gold, orange, and red. I love fall, it seems like the change of seasons is a fresh opportunity to start anew. Set a new direction (or straighten out the old path!).
Thankfully our merciful God is a God of second chances.
Not only second, but, third, fourth, and so on....chances!
Last night our women's ministry held our annual 'Festival of Tables.'
It is always so much fun to see the creativity all the ladies put into decorating their tables. The men serve our catered food and we enjoy wonderful entertainment.
Such a great event.
Here is a picture of one of my tables, Shades of Autumn.
Thanks for reading....and come back soon.
Grace and Peace,
'God's mercies never end. They are new every morning' (Lamentations 3:22-23)